HAND Tab v1.05

PalmaServ, July 17, 1999
This is a small program developed to track/record data in a simple list format. Perfectly suited for people who do not wish to carry a full blow database program on their Palm just to track a few items. Useful for keeping a "TAB" on people you owe money to, personal collections, hobbies, scientific data, etc. HAND Tab is simple and straightforward.

1- ITEM: Tab name (is displayed in the LIST VIEW (main screen))
2- DATE: Allows you to record the date the tab was entered or updated (This field is not displayed in the LIST VIEW (main screen)).
3- Col A - Col C: Factors, Text, numbers, etc. (These fields are displayed in the LIST VIEW (main screen)).
4- Col D: Same as above but is not displayed in the LIST VIEW (main screen).
5- Item Notes: Notes pertaining to each particular TAB (This field is not displayed in the LIST VIEW (main screen)).
Column/Screen Cross-Reference
EDIT Screen Fields
Col 1
Col A
Col 2
Col B
Col 3
Col C
Col D
Item Notes

Maximum number of records: The size of the HAND Tab database is only limited by the amount of free memory in the Palm unit.
Database Exporter: Selcuk Demiray has developed a PalmFactory database to Excel CSV conversion tool. Visit Selcuk's PalmPilot Page for more information and to download.

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Item : Display up to 7 numbers
COL1 : Display up to 8 numbers
COL2 : Display up to 8 numbers
COL3 : Display up to 7 numbers
Note: The COL 1 & 2 fields can still display a date entry in the following format MM/DD/YY.

EDIT Screen

1. Redesigned the Edit screen with a better flow
2. Larger buttons.
3. The COL D field was converted over to an expanded "Items Notes" field, and an additional column was added to take the place of Col. D

Item : Accommodates up to 18 numbers or 15 characters
DATE : Standard date format MM/DD/YY
COL A - COL D:  Can accommodate up to 18 numbers or 15 characters

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KNOWN BUGS/LIMITATIONS: *DO NOT delete a new (empty) / non-existent record, as this will cause your devise to crash: This is due to a small bug in PalmFactory (the program used for development). PalmFactory is still in the ALPHA testing stages. NOTE: When testing on the Palm emulator & Palm III, this crash required a soft reset and did not produce any data loss. This is NOT a claim or guarantee, it is just an observation on my part!

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REGISTRATION: HAND Tab is a nag free and fully functional shareware program, if you do find it useful feel free to register it, registrations help support PalmaServ. Back to Top

DISCLAIMER: PalmaServ is not responsible for any damage or loss of data caused by HAND Tab. If you do encounter errors, please send a report to PalmaServ@topmich.com